Welcome, 2009! How ya doin'? Me, I'm good. I've been enjoying a nice few days off this week, and not looking forward to restarting life-as-usual soon.
In the meantime, I noticed that this here blog has been rather neglected (only 5 posts since October!). I've instead been spending most of my internets time reading
your blogs, and playing on flickr and ravelry and twitter.
I mentioned a while ago that I've been doing a
project 365 over on Flickr. I'm having a good time with it, and have finished the first 3 months or so. I've also started to write a whole lot more on my pics over there. Mini-blogging, I guess.
And then, despite my best attempts to avoid it, I got sucked into twitter too. Micro-blogging.
I really don't have enough time to be quite so socially-networked, or enough discipline to walk away when I shouldn't be playing around online.
Anyways, back to this blog, which is ostensibly a knitting blog. So, what have I knit recently? Lots of good stuff! (FYI, I'll spare you the details, and just post pretty pics. But if you want more info, it's all on my
Ravelry projects page.)

At my mom's request, I made her an eggplant hat. Of course, now she wants mittens to match!

Dad got a pair of socks for Christmas:

My FIL got a single mitten. I still need to knit the other one!

My MIL got some socks ... well, a promise to knit socks. She picked the Conwy pattern from Knitting on the Road, and I think it will work well with this yarn, although I'm already afraid of running out when I get to the toes.

I'm swatching for a sweater for my dad. I'm designing it myself, so it's not going anywhere fast.

I also started a pair of socks for my sister-in-law, with some yarn that
MiniKate gave me for my 30th birthday last year.

Whew! I guess I have actually been knitting! I have lots of other projects calling out for attention, but I want to finish these ones first. Then, in 2009, a stranded yoke sweater for me, and some more socks. That's as close to a knitting resolution as you're going to get.
Labels: christmas knitting, conwy, dadigan, eggplant hat, glw, socks