aswim in knits

Friday, March 03, 2006

Catching up ...

In the spirit of MamaCate, several random thoughts gathered together...

1) Where can I buy sugar free blue KoolAid? I've tried three grocery store chains without any luck, and I may have to resort to this eBay store and buy a whole lotta the stuff at once.

2) Kool Aid hat for 40 Days is still in progress. It has not grown much. Well, it grew then got frogged, then grew again, got frogged again, and is back up to about 2/3 of a hat. I'm not sure what my problem was, but I think it had to do with measuring gauge while squooshed up on DPNs. Eh. Photo when complete.

3) Gifties!! I won a contest on Chris' blog. Due to my plethora of Chris[tine]-like readers, this Chris shall now be known as "Chaos Chris." Anyways, Chris took the time to pick out a gift in my favorite watery colors. Look at these amazing goodies ...

The front ball is 2 colors of green Zephyr wound together. Chris says it would make good socks -- 50% merino and 50% silk? Um, yeah, those would be scrumptious!! I think I need to swatch it before I decide what kind of socks it could be used for.

On the right hand side is 2 balls of Sock It To Me in blues and greens with a slight hint of purple. Maybe some Jaywalkers???

In the top middle, some Schoeller+Stahl "Big Print" in variegated blues and greens, with a touch of zippy yellow-green. This is a superwash worsted weight. I'm pretty sure it wants to become a pair of Thujas.

The ball on the left is from Ironstone yarns, although I forget which yarn it is. I'll have to think about what to do with this.

The best thing about all of these yarns is that I have not knit with ANY of them before. I can't wait!!

Chris also sent me some soft rubber stitch markers in purples and greens -- you can see some of them in my mittens in yesterday's post. Perfect timing, since I was just noting that I could use some more markers.

Oh, yes ... there was also a bar of Hershey's Extra Dark. We shall not speculate about why it did not make it into the photograph. Public Service Announcement from fine folks at Hershey's -- chocolate is a health food! "Data from the recent study sponsored by The Hershey Company and previous data from USDA and others indicate that dark chocolate is one of the most concentrated sources of flavanol antioxidants among plant foods. The antioxidant capacity of 1 serving of HERSHEY'S EXTRA DARK dark chocolate (37g) is equal to 3 cups of tea, 2 glasses of red wine or 1 1/3 cups of blueberries." Bring it on!!

More randomness to follow tomorrow. I'm tired and I want to go sit on my couch and knit now. (Welcome to the exciting life of a married, childless 20-something knitter with 2 jobs.)


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