aswim in knits

Friday, February 24, 2006

Nearing the finish line

Hmmm, knitting on a deadline seems to make for a LOT less blogging!! Since the Olympics is almost over, I guess it's about time to make an update.


You may remember that my Knitting Olympics project is to complete two kids' sweaters for charity. One is an Opptuna sweater made out of some Noro Kureyon leftover from making myself a Klaralund. (I always type Klaralunch instead. I wonder what that says about me??)

I finished this one up last Friday night, and blocked it out. Here is how it looks.

Project specs:
Yarn: Noro Kureyon color 40
Yardage: unknown -- about a dozen small balls of leftovers from my compulsive stripe matching on my Klaralund.
Needles: Size 9 Addi Turbos
Pattern: Opptuna, in the second Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton Noro book.
Size: 6 month size. But it seems kind of roomy.
Pattern modifications: none I did a 3 needle bindoff on the hood, rather than seaming it closed.
New skill: split splicing! Works great on Kureyon!


After I finished that off, I cast on for the hoodie sweater in some pink Cotton Tots. See this pile of Pepto pink?

That's the back and 2 sleeves of the hoodie. I've got the two fronts on the needles now, and am about 1/3 of the way into those. I only cast on around 10 p.m. last night, so I should easily finish them tonight. I'm attending a lecture tonight so I can work on the fronts while I am there ... I'll have to find a nice seat off to the side. This is held in one of those college auditoriums (auditoria?) where the doors are in the back, and the back of the room is actually the MOST conspicuous place to sit.


Did I mention that in addition to my own knitting, I'm also the anchor leg of the MIT Stitch and Bitch Olympic Relay Team? We knit a baby blanket for Afghans for Afghans. Each knitter knit her own block(s), and the blanket was handed off from knitter to knitter, relay fashion, with each knitter seaming her own blocks to the blanket. As anchor leg, I didn't knit any blocks, but added a border to the whole blanket once the 12 squares were all seamed up. Here I am, finishing the border on my lunch hour yesterday...

For a photo of the completed blanket, check out our MIT Stitch and Bitch blog.


See 'em there at the official Knitting Olympics Command Post? I consider ice cream to be the GU of the Knitting Olympics.

(And yes, I am wearing puppy dog print flannel pajamas. Wanna make something of it??)

This is actually a pile of clean laundry that I washed last weekend. I just haven't folded it yet. My husband is mortified that I am displaying our underwear on the internets.

(Note the fiber stash in the large storage boxes behind the lamp.)

More updating after the Team Boston closing ceremonies party this weekend!


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